"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Blessed are the Pure in Heart

"The command of our Lord as Christians is that we should drive out every enemy from our hearts and lives."  --Hannah Whitall Smith

If something is pure it is not mixed with anything else.  Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911) was best known for her book, The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life.  In her book, Old Testament Types and Teachings she writes, "It is the Lord's command to us that we go in and possess the land of our inheritance.  To me God's commands are even more comforting than His promises; for if He commands me to do a thing, I am sure He will give me the power of His Spirit to do it."  What she is talking about is deliverance from our inner enemies.   Our "old man/woman" survived by being self-centered, self-righteous, self-glorifying, etc.  When we receive the Holy Spirit we also receive our inheritance--the Kingdom of God.  But all too often we do not go on to possess our inheritance, that is, to own it and make use of it.  Instead we continue to rely on "Self."  This "houseguest" is no longer welcomed.  In order to fully possess our inheritance--the power and strength of the Lord--our hearts must not be divided.  The Good News is that God willing and able to help us.  

When the Holy Spirit takes up residence in a heart made pure through the blood of Christ our old lives are exchanged for a new life.  If we retain any of the old Self we water down God's power and strength.  It's like putting new wine into old wineskins scripture tells us.  In time the old wineskins will burst.  

Father, help me be aware when I fall back into old habits of relying on my own strength so that I will call upon You instead.

Link to scripture:  Matthew 5:8

Take Action:  What does it mean to be pure in heart?