"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Light of the World

"You are the light of the world...." -Matthew 5:14 

Photo credit:  Ben Schultz

Our earth's moon gives off no light of its own.  It is merely a reflection of the Sun's light, yet it is so highly regarded that songs are written about it, photographs are taken of it, and we speak of it with romantic language.  We are to the Son as the moon is to the Sun.  But too often our light is hidden behind clouds and like the moon we wax and wane according to our "moods"--those times that we forget who we are--reflections of God's love--His Son.   We're not our particular talents, our looks, our possessions.  Those things are like when people once believed the moon gave off its own light.  Those things are merely illusions, smoke screens, to our true selves.  

The next full moon is this Saturday.  It is called the Harvest Moon because this is the time of year many crops are harvested.  Before tractors with headlights the full moon in September allowed farmers to work into the night to bring in their Fall crops.  When you see it remember that you are the light of Christ who is in you.  Let Him shine so brightly that He can gather up many and save them from the darkness of the world!

Father, may I remember always who I am now.  May I not hide Your light from a needy world.

Link to scripture:  2 Corinthians 4:6

Take Action: 10 Ways to Let Your Light Shine Bright:

1. Remember your aim is to please the Lord, not man.
2. Speak in ways that are right, true, honorable and trustworthy.
3. Listen to others opinions.  Be slow to anger and quick to listen.
4. Decide if others are pulling you into sin.  You may need to retreat and bless them through prayer.
5. Realize that Christ has already determined your value - now you are free from the need to please.
6. Authentically praise the name of the Lord when given the opportunity.
7. Pray! Pray! Pray!  Trust that God will lead you in his ways.
8. Speak truth - no matter what. Balance it with love.
9. Be who God created you to be, despite how others feel. God created you as you for a good reason.
10. Daily immerse yourself in the Word of the God. 

When we shine light – when we let our light shine bright – God sends it into dark places. We may not even know the distance that our light will shine.  He will send it far and he will send it wide. Our job is to keep our eyes on him and trust him as we let him lead.  (source)

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