"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hear the Spirit Bearing Witness

"The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." -Romans 8:16 

I am continuing in Andrew Farley's book "Heaven is Now - Awakening to the Wonders of Grace."

If you missed Sense #1 - Feel the Freedom of Grace, you can read it HERE.

Sense #2 - Hear the Spirit Bearing Witness

  • We are who we are by birth not by what we do.  How does this help you hear the Spirit bearing witness to your true identity as a child of God?
Dr. Farley says, "Adam lost his spiritual identity due to a stealthy deceiver and by extension we, too, lost our identity. . . .We show up on planet earth spiritually dead, devoid of God's life (Romans 5:15,18)."  He explains that while Adam was made in God's image, we are born in Adam's fallen spiritual image (see Genesis 5:1-3).  When we receive Christ and are born again we "are called to live out this new identity as our minds get renewed to the truth of who we really are at the core."  

In listening to Dr. Farley's messages over the past few years I came to realize my old self is replaced, not just "cleaned up" as he calls it (2 Corinthians 5:17).  He says, "Christianity is not a behavior improvement program centered on a historical teacher who models what was lost in Eden--life (1 Corinthians 1:30; Colossians 1:13).  As he puts it, "We had Adam's DNA extracted from us and replaced with Christ's DNA."  He says we can quit chasing after "okayness" because we are totally OK now in God's eyes!  Dr. Farley feels that our constant need for success, power, status and even purpose is really a search for our okayness.  Can you see how everything would be wonderful if everyone felt OK about themselves?!  We'd take our focus off ourselves and seek to serve those in need.

His Spirit bears witness within us when we bear His fruit.

  • What is the flesh?  How might the realization that the struggle is between God's Spirit and the flesh (Galatians 5:17) change the way you approach the battle?
Dr. Farley says, "At birth we....begin the journey of trying to cope and live life apart from the Source of true life...strategies...coping mechanisms to gain purpose and identity.......We seek knowledge for the mind, fulfilling experiences for the emotions, and strength for the will....a fabrication of God's true life."  This is his description of the flesh that we are all born with.  

He goes on, "Once we are saved, we are in the Spirit all the time....However, there are still two ways we can walk:  we can walk according to the flesh or according to the Spirit."    

The battle, he says, is an outside entity that "we allow to function as a parasite (Romans 6:12; 7:17, 20, 23).....If we follow the lust of sin, then we allow a rogue to infiltrate and deny us the privilege of transmitting God's life."

This question made me think of that 1970s comedian Flip Wilson.  He was known for his "the devil made me do it" sketches on his TV show.  At the time it sounded like a cop out, but now I see there is some truth in the saying.  That's why it's so important that we be alert and vigilant to keep our eyes on the Lord, to be in the world but not of it.

  • Understanding that a power called sin can offer sinful thoughts to our minds at anytime is a startling revelation for many.  But how is it also a heavenly call to reinterpret the way we view ourselves and our thinking?
Dr. Farley uses the movie "A Beautiful Mind," based on a the life of mathematician John Nash, who had schizophrenia, to show us the power of the mind.  Nash learned to turn a deaf ear to the delusions he would have.  When he set his mind on what he knew to be true he experienced peace.  Dr. Farley compared it to Christians who may be tempted to revert to "the old ways of delusion."

Years ago I read a book that helped me realize that my thoughts are not me.  I learned to see my thoughts as just passing through my mind without judging them.  I became an observer and could think, "That's interesting."  It helped me identify what I was feeling and only hold onto the good thoughts.  Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossians (3:2) admonished them to set their minds on things above, think about the things of heaven.

  • Do you find it helpful to see that we have a spirit and a soul?  How does this perspective help explain our 100% righteousness condition in Christ despite the ongoing renewal of the mind?
1 Thessalonians 5:23 tells us we are made up of three parts:  human spirit, human soul, human body.  For a long time I did not understand the difference between the soul and our human spirit:
Our soul (Greek: psyche) is our psychology: mind, will, emotions. I've also seen it defined as our personality.  It's where we think, feel and experience relationships with other people. "The soul is like a reflector and has no nature in itself."

Our spirit (Greek: pneuma) is how we relate to the spiritual realm.  "Our human spirit is made right with God (Romans 5:1, 9) and sealed by the Holy Spirit forever (Ephesians 1:13-14)."  "The Holy Spirit dwells in our human spirit [because] the nature of our spirit is now in agreement with His Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17)."  "Our soul is not replaced or instantly reprogrammed....In our soul, what we reflect to those around us is progressively changing by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2)."

Dr. Farley explains it this way, "We live what our soul reflects.  We fluctuate when we think on things of the flesh rather than our new Spirit."  He adds, "Legalism is born as a theology of the soul."  That last statement explains so much!  Religions rise from man's human soul.  

  • In what ways have you based your theology on the roller coaster of your soul when heaven calls us to worship God in spirit and in truth?  

 Dr. Farley says we should be looking to the Word itself for answers.  He says, "When we sin, God's Spirit is not being expressed and we may even experience painful outcomes (Romans 6:21, Galatians 6:8) from foolish choices.  But our spiritual fellowship is solid and secure, unmoved by the fluctuations of our soul....We don't walk by sight or by emotion."

I'm still learning to hear God's voice, that still quiet voice, that competes with the noise in my head!  We are called to worship God in our new Spirit, not from our soul because the truth is that we are new creatures in Christ.

Are you listening?

Father, I want to listen better, more quickly.  May I be able to quiet my mind so that I become aware of Your Presence.

Link to scripture:  John 10:3

Take Action:  Hearing God's Voice Meditation:  How to Discern Jesus Speaking to You



  1. Cathy such a great post. Even though I have followed Jesus since I was a child am still learning the differences between our souls and spirits. The meditation at the end is wonderful. God bless you for sharing your faith filled walk. Hugs!

    1. Dearest Debbie, your comment blesses my heart! 💕
