"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Monday, February 11, 2019

God's Word

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." -Psalm 119:105

More than a decade ago I reached the age where my eyesight began growing increasingly worse.  I bought a pair of reading glasses from the drugstore, but they weren't always sufficient.  I found I had to turn on a lamp to read smaller print.  After a few years when I tried to read my devotional books first thing in the morning and found that turning on a brighter light didn't help, I finally went to the eye doctor to get prescription glasses. 

I think we have to be careful about trying to "get by" on quick fixes for living Godly lives.  Eventually we will have to get the kind of "professional" help I needed for my eyes.  God, He Who created us, knows what is best for us.  He has provided His Word as a lamp for our feet to light our path.  

In yesterday's Our Daily Bread Bill Crowder gives us this insight about Psalm 119:  "Psalm 119 follows a structure that is not uncommon in Hebrew poetry--an acrostic.  Following the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, each stanza of the song begins with successive letters."  The purpose of this was so that it would be easier to memorize.  There are 176 verses in that chapter--the longest "section" in the Bible--so you can imagine the task to memorize it!  

Verse 11 tells us that the author* has hidden God's word in his heart (*it is not known for sure who the author is).  When God's word becomes firmly fixed in our minds, it can begin its work in our hearts.  We will have God's wisdom to draw upon rather than our fleshly desire which too often lead us down the wrong path.  

Father, thank You for the Light you provide for my journey here on earth.  May Your word always be the light by which I live.

Link to Scripture:  Hebrews 4:12

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  1. Well once again .. a healing message from you. I did not know that about Psalm 119 and loved learning that. I remember memorizing that Bible Verse at the beginning for Pioneer Girls.. it was seemingly so long. I loved it though ...and love the picture on here that goes with it.. thank you for this loving message. YOu are right, we should not get a Quick Fix" with our Bible studies ..and expect the answer to appear instantly for us. Stillness is such an important part of BIble work, for then we can ask , and listen... for the answer that comes. Then, we acknowledge the Christ, and yield to the Truth of that message. Like this one here. I am with you in asking God to reveal to me my purpose in his service. and that I follow His light and share the glow with all I come in contact with. Thank you , Cathy for these wonderful posts that lift my Soul to God and his spiritual world. Merir

  2. Thank you, Merri, for sharing your testimony on how God is working in your life. ❤️

  3. Cathy beautiful verse - one of my favorites. Hope your son is doing better. Been praying for him friend. Take care and have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Hugs!

    1. He is doing better, but has to be careful of germs especially the first 6 months. After a year of no complications we can all rest easier. Thank you for your prayers.❤️
