"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Source of Light

 "As the moon brings sun to those turned from the light, the opened heart brings love to those struggling through darkness."  - Mark Nepo

In his book, "The Book of Awakening," Nepo goes on to say:  "It is important to remember here that the moon is not the source of light but a reflection; and likewise, as magnificent as the heart is, it is not the source of love, but a conveyer of forces often out of view when we are struggling."

I love his analogy of the source of the moon's light.  All too often we think it's up to us to love that difficult person....the one who hardly deserves to be loved for whatever reason.  What usually knocks that notion out of my head is when I'm reminded that I wouldn't deserve to be loved either if it weren't for Jesus.  Yet, God loved me anyway before I accepted Jesus' gift of freedom from the guilt of turning from God.  And now all those big and little things that I continue to fall short in doing or not doing are entirely within my power if I would just let His Light be reflected in me.  

This is the pure love that He gives me to share with others.  When we love others it is God's Light casting out the darkness in the world.

Father,Your light within me lights my path.  May I never hide Your light from others through disobedience.  

Link to scripture:  1 John 1:5

Take action:  Pure Love of God