"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Where The Kingdom of God Can Be Found

🎶You Are My All in All🎶

"The time has come," [Jesus] said.  "The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Good News."  --Mark 1:15

"Jesus built a bridge from the dregs of Earth to the heart of God, and beckons us to cross it with him.  Christ's kingdom was not of this world."  --Alan Cohen

I am reading Alan Cohen's book "The Mystical Messiah" in which he takes Jesus' words and looks for the inner meaning of His teachings.  In the chapter entitled "Where Heaven Lives" what Cohen gleans from Jesus' encounter with the wealthy young man in Mark 10:17-31 is the "futility of attempting to find peace from amassing the treasures of the world."  In John 14 Jesus explains to his disciples that He is leaving, but for them not to be troubled or afraid because He is leaving His peace with them.  The kingdom of God won't be "out there," but within them!

This, THIS, is what is so remarkable about being a Christian!  Scripture tells us if we will just seek first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness (the gift that comes with salvation), every thing we need will be provided.  But, we are also told not to worry.  Worry is a form of doubt.  Faith/trust is what makes all that God has for us available to us.  

The image I have in my mind is having my arms full of things and cares of the world and God offering me His peace and contentment, but I have no way to take it because my arms of full of things I've believed will make me happy or safe. 

Cohen goes on to address some of the things that get in the way of our experiencing the peace God gives us.  If we have negative-thinking people in our lives or listen to all the negativity in the news or on social media, we are bound to "feel trapped on a battleground" between "light and dark, good and evil."  Cohen says, "The world's peace is temporary and fleeting.  God's peace is everlasting.  At some point we must decide which world we will live in."

Other authors I have read encourage us to use any negative encounter we have to remind us we can choose God's peace instead.  In doing this, it will eventually become an automatic response to negativity.  If we can see all negative circumstances as gifts to teach us to trust God sooner, we will have the "peace that transcends all understanding."

Father, I'm getting there!  Thank you for always being within me.  The guarantee that I will never lose you.

Link to scripture:  John 14:27

Take Action:  Jesus Lamb of God You are My All in All



  1. Cathy I just love that song. Thank you for making my day in sharing it with us. I too struggle with worry and doubt but praise be God's grace is always sufficient for us. Have a blessed day. Hugs!

    1. The song is one of my favorites, too! We just have to keep reminding ourselves that Jesus is our All in All of life.
