"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 ...Jesus rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace!  Be Still!...

-Mark 4:39

Jesus asks his disciples, "Why are you so afraid?  Do you still have no faith?"  They could not answer him because they were overwhelmed with fear.  Instead they wondered among themselves, "Who is this that even the wind and the sea obey him?"  They had not yet come to truly know him as the Son of God.  At the "Last Supper" Jesus said to them, "Peace I leave with you.  My peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  He would go on to tell them he would not leave them as orphans.  He would send the Holy Spirit to them.  

When you stop to think about it, really think about Jesus' words, once you receive the Holy Spirit any fearful thoughts are coming from outside yourself.  God is in Christ and Christ is in you.  He said, "My peace I give you."  When we feel afraid it's because we start listening to old ways of thinking or outside voices.

I've never been one to practice meditation, but I've heard others say how much it has helped them to quiet their own unruly thoughts and focus on the Holy Spirit within them.  Being Still in the Presence of God is one that you might find helpful.  I encourage you to listen to it at least once while looking at my photo above because the narrator reminds us that even our breath "speaks" the name of God.  I think this is why taking deep breaths when we feel overwhelmed helps us calms our minds so we can meet the challenge facing us.

It would do us well to tell our thoughts, "Hush!"  when they become like a raging wind and stormy sea.  Remind yourself that to let fear overtake you is to have no faith that God is in the midst of your trouble working all things out for our good.  

Father, You are Good and want what's best for me.  Your Love, shown to me through Jesus Christ through His death, resurrection, and His indwelling Spirit, is all I need as I walk the path You have prepared for me.

Link to scripture:  Psalm 46:10

Take action:  7-Minute Version of Meditation



  1. Thank you Cathy for such a thoughtful post as well as sharing the 7 minute meditation process. May you have a wonderful day. Hugs!

    1. The longer version is the link in the blog post itself as highlighted in red. I hope you found it helpful. I hope you have a wonderful day, too! ❤️
