I wanted to write about hope, but found I'd already written a post called Hope. Then I thought I could entitle it Hope and Faith, but found I'd already written about Hope and Faith, too. Then I thought about the framed print on my nightstand. . . .
A member of our extended family is facing a health challenge that the doctors hold no hope of cure for. But I do. I know that with God anything is possible. Therein lies my doubt, Lord. I know that you may not choose to do what I want. I could just pray, "Thy Will be done," whatever that might be, but we are also told to ask for what we want. Yet, when I pray for a miracle of healing, I can sense a modicum of doubt. Jesus says we must pray believing in order to receive. Otherwise, do not bother to pray.
As I write, I wonder why I used the word "modicum"--it is not a part of my everyday vocabulary. So I looked it up: a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable. Doubt certainly is not desirable or valuable! But, faith is. Jesus tells us that we need only as much faith as a tiny mustard seed--a modicum of faith.
I realize now why love is greater than faith or hope. It is God's love in me that nurtures that seed of faith which gives me the hope I need to keep asking until He answers.....To keep believing.
Father, I will not give up hope because I will let Your Love abound in me so that You shall be glorified. I am asking for healing for Pete from the cancer that has overtaken his body.
Link to scripture: Luke 17:5-6
Take action: Believing Prayer
It is said in the bible that when three or more gather & ask in the "name of Jesus Christ" of a heartfelt prayer that it will be granted. This is my prayer as well as yours to grant a miraculous healing of Pete. May our GOD grant our earnest pray in the name of HIS beloved SON.