"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Friday, May 31, 2019

To Be or Not to Be

"It is not what a man does that is of final importance, but what he is in what he does.  The atmosphere produced by a man, much more than his activities, has the lasting influence."  -Oswald Chambers

Are you at a "be" crossing in your life?  Where you are trying to decide what you want to be?  You may be graduating from school and ready to embark on a job or you may be retiring with time on your hands--or somewhere in between.  But once we decide on what we want to be, it seems we get wrapped up in the doing of it rather than the being of it.  

It is important to remember we are human beings and not human doings.  Oswald Chambers tells us that the kind of person that we are is more important than what we do in the eyes of God.  He looks at our hearts.  And if you are a believer you have the life of Christ in you.  The problem is so often we still walk in the flesh.  Our hearts have been made new so that Christ can live in us, but our minds keep us doing what the world tells us to do.  But if we walk in the Spirit, we will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

We are told a double-minded person is unstable and that he who is not with Christ is against Him.  Being in Christ is what the Christian walk is all about.  He in us.  Us in Him.  We are to let Him be our all in all, our life force, our essence.  It's His life we now live by being obedient to His life in us.

To be in Christ or not to be in Christ--THAT is the question we need to be asking when we are at the crossroads of what we are to be.

Father, it feels like a balancing act sometimes--following You vs. being in the world.  May I be so immersed in your Holy Spirit that I do not need to choose what I should do, for I will just BE Your Life in whatever I do.

Link to scripture:  2 Corinthians 5:17

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  1. Our true spiritual being and reflection allows us to have a new persepctive on the universe. It is then we can best witness the deep feel of this Truth's authority and presence and results in a more cler way of seeing our world. IN place of our fear then, we see the all abundance of divine love leading every action. and in place of restriction , we behold wuch infinie freedom. God fashions all things after his own likeness. Such a relief to BE in he " BE CROSsING" so beautiful as alwyas, Cathy. Thank you for your deep wisdom as always.. Love merri
