"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Whole Armor of God

"God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."  
- 1 Corinthians 10:13

I found the above sign over the window of a restaurant we visited a few years ago.  It sounds like a simple way to ensure that you will have a good relationship with all the people in your life.  But this has not been my experience.  

One of the reasons is that people can misinterpret your actions.  It is all too easy to project your own insecurities into someone else's action and come away feeling hurt when this was not the other person's intention at all.  I know for myself when someone behaves unkindly towards me I try to assign some reason as to why they did what they did--they were having a bad day; they misunderstood what I was trying to say.  Sometimes, however, I forget that I am a very much-loved child of God and go down the rabbit hole of:  they don't like me; I'm bad at relationships; or let my ego get the best of me and have to battle thoughts of resentment, etc.  This puts me in danger of striking back, either at them or myself!

But there is another reason we need to look at and that is what the Bible calls Spiritual Warfare.  If you are a Christian who is trying to do good, you can be sure at some point you will have to do battle "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".  This could come in the form of discouragement and self-doubt or something more sinister.  You can be sure that Satan knows your weaknesses and will use them as an inroad into sabotaging your life in Christ.  

So what should we be doing about this threat?  First, we need to realize that there is a threat.  Understanding what your weaknesses are, such as, needing approval from others, lack of self-control, and any number of character issues, also puts us on alert. Then we need to study the "armor" that God has provided us to keep us from being deceived into solving our problems by worldly means instead of relying on Him.  Below in the Take Action section I've included a video Bible Study series on this armor which can get you started on your own study. 

Personally, I read scripture and devotionals by trusted authors each morning and journal about it.  Writing this blog also helps me delve deeper into what I've been learning that month.  But I've come to  realize that will not carry me through the day if I do not grab hold of any negative thought that enters my mind.  I do this now by singing a praise song in my head (or aloud) to replace the unwanted thoughts.  I am sleeping much better at night as well because now when I wake up and start thinking about any problem in my life or in the world, I will sing this little song and go right back to sleep.

The Good News for those in Christ is that ultimately we are protected from the evil one.  What the evil one destroys, however, is our witness for Christ.  Additionally, we will not receive all the blessings God makes available to us here on earth.  It need not be that way, if we trust and obey God's word, putting on the whole armor of God!

Father, may I be on the alert for the cunning ways of the father of lies so that I may be pleasing to You and fulfill the life You've given me in Christ.

Link to Scripture:  Ephesians 6:10-18

Take Action:  Put on the whole armor of God:  


Click on the following links for the rest in the series:

Breastplate of Righteousness

Spiritual Shoes

The Shield of Faith

Helmet of Salvation

Sword of the Spirit


  1. This is a perfect lesson for me right now, as surely I have the sin of judging, and judging myself harshly all the time..... all the time thinking I have done this or done that or said this or that and than proceed to beat myself up about it ! I am dishonoring God when I do this, as I am his belovd child , the spiritual creation of his very thought... his very qualities in me, so how could I be less than perfect and good, as I reflect all his glories. BUT, yes, as this man say s in the video .... that disonoring with self doubt,places me in a less than position with eeveryone, when God has created a level playing field, and holds all his children , precious and individual in their passions, and purposes. How can we ever possibly know what someone else is dealing with, what they are thinking or if something is bothering them deeply? We cannot, as our pserspective is our individual world, and yes, we need to keep bringing thought back to God, back to Good, back to our Father, who gives is all Life, and all Truth and all Love. Thank you for this reminder that if I dishonor myself, I dishonor God, and break commandments. Asking for forgiveness then changing the patterns of m all too rapid judging, will erase this from my own thinking nd make me a better person...."his mercies are new eery day..." -- I am so grateful---Merri

  2. I too, am challenged when provokes me. My first reaction is to lash back when hurt by someone that is very negative. I have struggled with this my whole life. Thank you for the video.

    1. Yes, it is very easy to react when we've been attacked. That is why we have to put on and keep on the whole Amor of God so we are always prepared. ❤️
