"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Monday, October 14, 2019

Do You Measure Up?

"Spiritually, we cannot measure our life by success, but only by what God pours through us, and we cannot measure that at all."  
--Oswald Chambers

In 2012 I wrote about finding purpose in my life.  To read it, click on this link: Purpose 

One of Oswald Chamber's devotionals has brought me back to this topic.  He says, "We are all based on a conception of importance, either our own importance, or the importance of someone else; Jesus tells us to go and teach based on the revelation of His importance."  Chambers tells us that what counts is what Jesus Christ has poured through us, not on anything we do or say.  Our job, then, is to be an open conduit.

Lately, God has been emphasizing that He is the only One who can truly and fully satisfy me.  He brought to mind a song I sang more than 30 years ago in a World Day of Prayer service, Fill My Cup Lord....."Like the woman at the well I was seeking for things that could not satisfy.  And then I heard my Savior speaking, 'Draw from my well that never shall run dry.'"

No man-made purpose can ever truly satisfy.  Any undertaking, any title or position, even acts of service, can be self-serving.  Our true purpose is to be God's overflowing vessel of love.  And the only way to be that vessel is to humble ourselves and acknowledge our need that only He can achieve:  for us to be cleansed and filled with His Holy Spirit.

Like Chambers says, we cannot measure what God pours into us, so there is no "measuring up" to be done.  Just be available and open and He will use you for His purposes--far greater than any human purpose we might think worthy.

Link to scripture:  John 7:38

Take Action:  Fill My Cup Lord



  1. Total surrender to God , o all mortal thoughts and actions, and , telling him to use as today, as he will, wherever he wants us doing what ever he wants us to do. There is nothing God cannot do. Getting our head around that, and losing self..... is , yes, the answer to a satisfied purpoe.. HIS purpose for us.. not our purpose. Then the living waters flow through the spiritual transparency we are and we find peace.
