"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Realization of God

"God takes away the sense of responsibility by bringing in the realization of Himself."  --Oswald Chambers

In preparing to write a post this month I found a "draft" post I'd started back in April with the above quote and the video at the end of this post.  I'd saved it for this Autumn because the video has lovely Autumn scenes.  Little did I know then how appropriate the message would be for me now.

The above photo is of the driveway leading up to our home of almost 39 years.  We bought it with the intention of staying here until our time on earth was up.  But 21 years ago I saw the log cabin that is situated beyond our house through the woods for the first time.  It's hard to believe I'd never ventured back there to see it, but it was occupied and I did not want to trespass.  It was on the market and vacant so I finally went up to see it and instantly fell in love with it.  It was much too small to accommodate my family of five so I did not even consider buying it at that time.  Instead I dreamed about living there after my children left home.  The couple who did buy it were my age and we soon became friends.  I'd go up to the cabin to feed her cats when they were away, further embedding the cabin into my heart.  I set one of my children's stories in the cabin and later wrote a scene for another story there.  Fast forward to just a few weeks ago when my neighbor, who said she'd never move from the cabin, tells me they are planning to move.  I immediately let her know she did not have to get a realtor--we'd buy it!  Then I went home and told my husband.  Once he got a tour of the cabin from the perspective of living there, he was as enthusiastic as I was.  But the end of the story is yet to be written.....

Our neighbor still needs to get the cabin appraised  and a couple other financial situations set before they can make their final decision.  Meanwhile, we are going through our house assessing everything we own.  It's like Marie Kondo on steroids!   We have a massive amount of things we no longer use but since we've had to place to store things we've just kept them.  But we also have things we won't have room for in the cabin so must make some hard decisions.   We are also having to emotionally detach from the home where we raised our three sons.  Thirty-nine years of memories have passed through this property where we've made many changes to make it our own.

In the back of my mind, however, is it might not happen.  Our neighbor may change their minds about moving.

But "I know Who Holds Tomorrow" and am fully prepared either to leave my "forever home" and start a whole new life in the cabin, or to let go of my long-time dream of living in the log cabin.  I already know the benefits from either scenario:  I'll have decluttered my house big-time and kept the property full of my life's memories that I also love, AND I'll not have lost my neighbor and good friend OR I'll start a new adventure in fulfilling a long-held dream.  The most important benefit, however, is that I am learning how to "realize" God more and more in my life as I trust in Him for what my future holds.

Father, thank you for the assurance that You work all things for good when I trust You.  

Link to Scripture:  Psalm 37:5

Take Action:



  1. How exciting for you and your husband! I remember reading about the log cabin in your previous posts. It sounds like a perfect spot for your forever home on earth. ♥

  2. WOW, imagine that! GOD does work in unknown ways. I do hope you realize your lifelong dream. I do have one question though. If your Sons go away on a vacation by themselves & you babysit your Grandchildren will you have room for them?I know you & Ken have watched them before. Perhaps you would stay at their place?

  3. Surely when we trust in God with all our hearts, he brings us the desires of our hearts. Like your whole life unfolded, it sounds like a fairytale come true for you, but you know ,yes, who did it.. you know God in the midst of it all, heard your prayers early on and when the timing was just right.. the cabin is a possibility. WOW. I love how God works. Blessings beautiful lady.. in all your glorious sharing of your life, your trips,your writing, this is the icing on the cake. Much Love to you and your husband. Merri
