"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Parable of the Christmas Tree

"But since he has no root, he remains for only a season.  When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away."  Matthew 13:21

Last Saturday we went on our annual hunt for the perfect Christmas tree to cut down.  This morning Rick Renner used the Christmas tree in his devotional "Staying Connected to Christ" to illustrate his message.  In Renner's devotional he points out that when we cut down a Christmas tree, put it in a stand making sure it stands up straight, then add water to the basin everyday, we are merely keeping it alive artificially.  Eventually the tree can't take up anymore water and without food, the needles will dry up, fall off, and the tree dies permanently.  

I immediately thought about the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:4-23.  Too often people hear the Word of God and believe in their minds, but it never reaches their heart and they never go on to be rooted in Christ.  Unless I surrender my will to God He can't transform me into His image.  Too many churches are keeping their members artificially "alive in Christ" by mixing the old covenant with the new covenant where law keeping becomes the means by which we measure ourselves.  The emphasis, instead, should be connecting us to Christ--being rooted and grounded in Him.  We can do nothing in our own power.  

I remember 26 years ago when my mother was near death in a hospital in Florida.  Through the power of Christ in me I was able to make arrangements to have her flown to Maryland in an air ambulance where I began overseeing her care and eventually brought her to my home.  Looking back I know I could not have managed all that on my own.  I had three children of whom the youngest was five.  After six months, however, I began to feel stressed because she was not an easy patient.  It was not until five months later did I realize why I was feeling stressed--I'd taken on the job of caring for my mother on my own.  I immediately surrendered it all back to God and was given two more weeks in which to love her.  It was my privilege to be with her when she went to be with the Lord.  Through that experience I saw first-hand the fallacy of trying to live my life in my own strength and how diligent I must be not to slip back into "running the show."

So this Christmas season let us all see our Christmas trees as reminders that while they are beautiful to look at, it is only for a short time.  They cannot survive without their roots--just as we can't survive without being rooted in Christ alone.

Father, You have provided your Son so that I might live in Him and He in me, giving me all I need.  May I never try to live the "Christian" life artificially, but instead draw all I need from You through Christ.

Link to scripture:  1 John 5:12

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