"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." Romans 1:20

Thursday, March 24, 2022


 "Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?"  --Romans 2:4

Many years ago at my church I sang Leslie Phillip's song Your Kindness at the Dedication of my youngest son.  The circumstances of his birth had been very difficult for me, and I'd gone through a faith crisis.  With my pastor's help I came through it with a better understanding of God and stronger in my trust in His plan for me.  This song expressed so well what I'd been through.  So I was not surprised that afterwards a newcomer to our church came up to me afterwards and asked for the scripture reference.  I could see he was dealing with his own faith crisis and the song was showing him how God's grace actually works.  Even now listening to it I get all choked up!

This morning I found the William Penn quote above in a photo I'd taken of a coffee shop's wall in New Castle, DE in 2015.  Then I read this in Alan Cohen's book, A Deep Breath of Life:  

Love is always received in the heart of God, where we all live.

If you finally come to a place where you realize, really realize, that God is good and He only wants what's best for you, you can't help but be filled with His Love, spilling over as kindness, forbearance, and patience.  Then, like William Penn, you won't want to miss any opportunity to be kind in all your encounters with others.....because you shall not pass that way again.

Father, no matter what I do, I can be assured that I am forgiven once for all.  This assurance gives me peace.  May I always pass on this peace to everyone I encounter.

Link to scripture:  John 14:27

Take Action:   Kindness 101 - Compassion



  1. Cathy what a much needed message for our world today. Loved watching the video of kids...what hope that brings to see that children are being taught to be compassionate. Have a great end to your week. Hugs!

    1. Hi Debbie. I feel the same way. I plan to show it to my grandchildren. Once the rain moves on we will be outside working again, so I will be having a great end to my week! Same to you. Hugs to you, too.
